What To Discover

Plan your holiday on the Lake Garda Veneto

Visiting the eastern shore of Lake Garda is an exciting journey full of experiences and places to explore. Choose a different itinerary according to your passions, there are 20 enchanting towns waiting to be discovered.

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Villa Romana

Villa Romana

Villa Romana di Brenzone, Via A. Vespucci, 93, 37010 Brenzone sul Garda, VR, Italia

Discovered in 2006, the villa in Castelletto is the only one on the eastern side…

Art and culture

Villa Sigurtà

Villa Sigurtà

Villa Sigurtà, Via di Circonvallazione Scipione Maffei, Valeggio sul Mincio, VR, Italia

Villa Sigurtà is a magnificent Venetian villa used as a summer residence by the…

Art and culture

Villa Spinola

Villa Spinola

Via Citella, 50, 37012 Bussolengo, VR, Italia

Many of the events organised in Bussolengo find their rightful place in the prec…


Art and culture

Villa Trevisani – Calderara

Villa Trevisani – Calderara

Parco Cavalier Romani di Villa Trevisani Calderara, Via Roma, Sona, VR, Italia

A hundred metres from the Town Hall, surrounded by a centuries-old park, stands…

Art and culture

Villa Venier

Villa Venier

Via 2 Giugno, Sommacampagna, VR, Italia

Villa Venier is a representation of the heritage of the Venetian villas. The arc…


Art and culture

Visconti Bridge

Visconti Bridge

Ponte Visconteo, Via Ponte Visconteo, Valeggio sul Mincio, VR, Italia

The Ponte Visconteo is the bridge-fortress built by Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke…

Art and culture


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